Monday, October 8, 2012

Tribbleofdooms top 10 video`s (so far)

Now before we begin This is what I think is the top 10 of her video`s, everyone likes different things people, so if you don`t see your favorite video on here I`m sorry. Now lets begin.

Dreamer Trailer, One of her first video`s on youtube, she made it for her moms birthday for a book her mom was writing. Why does it deserve a number 10 spot, well it did it`s job it made me want to read the book. She re did a picture from the trailer (above) and it shows you how much she has improved! (Me and my friend are also writing a book of our own right now I made a trailer (threw the eye`s of a beast 1mefox)

Take it like a She-cat
As a fan of the warriors series I liked this video, It has great animation, a good song to go with it and it followed the books. I think it deserved the number 9 spot.

 Heather-Unknown Blood AMV
This actually got me into Unknown blood and in case you were wondering yes I will review this later on. So whats so good about it, well when I watched it it actually made me get all teary eyed. If a you tube cartoon can do that it deserves in number 9 spot!

Fang`s Plan
A short spoof of her own episode what`s not to love. This made me laugh like crazy! Fang`s dialog was especially good or as he put it `my epic master plan! or epic proportions ``!

Starclans Lift
A scene from the warrior cats saga and her own animated adaption, his is probably one of the best scenes in the series (tribbleofdoom`s) And all the more reason to give it the number 6 spot.

One of the best COTW episodes in my point of view, I enjoyed watching it, Millys dream at the beginning was beautiful and interesting. 

The life of bee`s
One of her best, It was actually another adittion to `Dreamer`. (CAN`T WAIT UNTIL IT COMES OUT`)! The animation is beautiful and it fits the song well. In fact since we are on the subject of Dreamer I would`nt be surprised if Tribbleofdoom did another animated series based on it. But that``s just my opinion she`s really busy with school but she has my thanks for making this video.

Lord of the flies
Not exactly on her channel but on another one she made. It was originally for a school project, but I have read the book and this is exactly how I imagined everything would look like. I even got creeped out at points.

This short animation is beautiful and amazing, I loved it! It just goes to prove : don`t change yourself just to please others because nothing will.

COTW episode 17 and 20
Probably the best episodes in the series these two explain most of whats going on. It`s also quite complex and interesting.

So there you have it! The top 10 tribble of doom video`s.
The runners up:
1. Warriors cats last episode
2. Leafpool is a sober for Crowfeather
3. COTW16 preview

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