Monday, October 22, 2012

Cow Of The Wild

In our Last week of Tribble of Doom moth I will review Cow Of the Wild. One of my all time favorite web series. Now I've already given many small reviews with in tribble of Doom moth but I promise there will be some new things here. Now it's time for Cow of the wild.

About the show
Now the show it's self has an interesting history, Tribbleofdoom originally cam up with the idea when she was eleven, that's right people this complex story was written by an eleven year old. It was supposed to be a spoof of a classic book called 'Call of the wild' but it turned into something very different. She actually did end up animating and finishing it, it had about 20 minutes of running time. But she lost it when her computer crashed. However on her web-site she does have a few screen shots here they are below.

The plot
So what is this magnificent story that is worthy of being a real series  is dark, dramatic, funny, and at times light, and has gathered many followers? A Cow wants to join a wolf pack and they let her because Fang the pack Leader has a plan. (Nothing more on this will be said if your so curious then go watch it on youtube) And's not really about the Cow (Milly) but about the wolfs around her and other animals and how everything eventually seems to have something to do with her or she effects it in someway. But when we are focusing on Milly it's handled extremely well.

The Characters
Okay if I talk about all of them we'll be here forever! So I'm only going to talk about the Main ones.

Milly: When she first appears Milly was very interested in seeing Alari a wolf, since she had never seen one before. This is where her wanting to join a wolf pack came from. Milly's character is handled very well and she even gets a little side-kick named Rocky who's tree got destroyed and she now has to carry around on her. She sometimes gets annoyed with Rocky showing that Milly can be pushed to her limits.

Luna: Luna I found was interesting  she's always very positive even though she's an omega. My guess of why she is an Omega and her brother Bone is Beta and her sister Midnight is well regular I guess. Is because Fang has a grudge against her.

Lupus: Lupus had.....a troubled childhood, making him interesting with his back story. He's a runt and loves Luna like Luna loves him, but none of theme ever really tell each other.

Fang: This wolf referred to from Rune as the 'Mad Alfa' has a bad reputation after having his mater and his daughter 'die', he turned bitter but still had a bit of his heart left in him unlike the next character.

Rune: This murderous wolf was once a pup with a pure heart that loved his pack, that all changed when his mate left for another wolf who was son of the Alfa of the enemy pack. Loosing one of his eyes in battle for her he soon turned insane becoming Alfa of his pack he took over the kingdom his packs enemy and the home of his ex mate and the wolf that took her. After killing the royal family he tracked theme and there pups down and killed all of theme.....or so he thought.

Sammy: This character comes off as bitter at first, but when she goes looking for Milly she beacame my favorite character. Missing a Leg and going into the dangerouse woods full of wolfs to save a cow defiantly counts for something.

Lets sum it up; It's stunning moving on XD

Voice acting
I had to say that in the first few episodes the voices were just....okay but later got really reallt good. They sound like real voice actors!

COTW Is an intersting serse with many twists and loveable characters that will keep you wanting more! I give COTW a 9.7 out of 10! And so ends Tribble of doom moth. Thank you Tribble for making such great animations!

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