Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Prince of the Pack

Okay now, I usually love to watch youtube serise, I love to see the original stories, the animation I really do, but sometimes there are some shows out there that are so bland boring and predictable that   I regret ever reviewing it, I am of corse talking about Prince of the pack.
A wolf who is son of the Alpha is more interested in goofing off then having any responsibly, when his father dies one night while he is having a party he is left to be Alpha other packs hear this and try to take over the lad since he is new at being Alpha. Simple enough  so what do I not like about this....the fact that it`s ripping off a movie I saw as a kid, I`ll give you a hint it happens with barn animals and the main character is a cow. That and the st up is okay as long as you have some good haracters and....it dosn`t, each one is bland and boring, the love interest is the love interest, the main character is foolish but has a good heart and knows when to be serious. The villen is just okay, I like how he turns almolst mad trying to get this land for his pack, the only character that I found to be good was his `mate`` I say it that way beacuse they have quite a bit of fights and he dosn`t seem o care much about her, but yet she still stays with him, this reminded me quite a bit about Harley quinn of the batman serise.

Voice acting
It was okay nothing special, but okay, I always seemed to see someone recording there lines though.

I did like the animation it was simple giveing you a chance to see more and focus more on what the characters were saying, this also was a disadvantage since the plot and characters weren`t all that great in the first place.

Overall I give Prince of the pack 3 out of 10 stars. oh also Apparently a season 2 is coming out also coming out, will it learn from it`s mistakes or will it just be the same thing over again